
In this manual, we explain the procedure for deploying Net LineDancer (hereinafter referred to as netLD)

Virtual Appliance (VA) on a Microsoft Azure. And how to configure the VA’s initial settings.

Deployment to Microsoft Azure

  1. Log into Azure and go to the “Storage Accounts” service
  2. Click an existing storage account or click “Create” to create a storage account
  3. In the storage account menu, click “Data Storage” -> “containers
  4. Click on an existing container or create a container from “containers”
  5. Click upload
  6. Select the VHD file you downloaded
  7. Open “Advanced settings” and change the Blob type to “Page blob”
  8. Click Upload
  9. Once the upload is complete, go to the “disk” service
  10. Click Create
  11.  Select your subscription resource group and region
  12. Enter the disk name
  13.  Change the source type to “Storage Blob” and select the file where you uploaded the source blob
  14. Change the OS type to “linux”
  15. In the size section, click change size
  16. Select the “storage type” that suits your environment (SSD is recommended)
  17. Select the top 4GB and click ok
  18. Click Review and create
  19. Check the details and click “Create”
  20. Once creation is complete, click Go to Resource
  21. Click Create VM
  22. Enter the virtual machine name
  23. Select the resources you want to allocate to the virtual machine by size
  24. Go to the disk tab
  25. In the Data Disk section, click “Create and connect a new disk”
  26. In the Size section, click change size
  27. Select the “storage type” that suits your environment (SSD is recommended)
  28. Select 64GB or larger disk and add a data disk
  29. Verify that the host cache is “read/write”
  30. Go to the “Network” tab and configure the network settings to suit your Azure environment
  31. Click Review
  32. Check the details and click “Create”

This completes the deployment on Azure.